Describe Industrial Fire Detection and Alarm Systems

Describe Fire Alarm Systems–components, operation, and maintenance. Orientation checklist for workers new to areas protected by fire alarm systems.

Total Pages: 117

This industrial fire detection and alarm systems training kit is for anyone who works in an area protected by a fire alarm system. The Module describes system components, operation, and maintenance. The Checklist is excellent for orienting workers to protected areas.

This industrial fire detection and alarm systems training kit has four parts:

  • self-instructional training module and self-check
  • knowledge check and answer key
  • blank knowledge check answer sheet
  • performance checklist

    Customer Comment
    "We at Detronics found HDC’s training kit, Describe Industrial Fire Detection and Alarm Systems, to provide a well balanced and very good overview defining industry standards, technology choices, and device performance issues. The Self Check at the back of the kit is a convenient, effective way for trainees to verify that they've grasped the important concepts. Well done."

    Jill Larson, Product Marketing Manager
    Detector Electronics Corporation

    View the training objectives and table of contents.

    Download sample (PDF)

    Price for this kit is $69.00 Cdn per single license or
    $299.00 Cdn per site license.
