Describe & Operate Beam Pump (Series) Module D

Optimize Beam Pump Operation

Total Pages: 97

Module D: Optimize Beam Pump Operation


  • Module A - Describe and Monitor Wellhead, Sucker Rod String, and Subsurface Pump
  • Module B - Describe and Monitor Beam Pump and Prime Mover
  • Module C - Describe Beam Pump Operation

    Training Objectives
    Upon completion of this training kit on beam pump optimization, you will be able to:

  • Describe oil composition, reservoirs, and well production
  • Describe well performance analysis
  • Describe pumping system analysis
  • Describe diagnostics:
    - fluid level detector
    - dynamometer
    - processing diagnostic test data
  • Describe pumping unit adjustments:
    - change pumping speed
    - adjust casing gas pressure
    - balance the pumping unit
    - change stroke length
  • Describe the operator's role in optimization

    Table of Contents

    Foreword 1
    1 Introduction 1
    2 Crude Oil Composition, Reservoirs, and Well Production 4
    2.1 Crude Oil Composition 4
    2.2 Crude Oil Reservoirs and Recovery Methods 5
    2.3 Reservoir Conditions that Decrease Productivity of Beam Pump Wells 12
    3 Analyzing Well Performance 16
    3.1 Well Production Records 17
    3.2 Diagnostic Tests to Identify Wellbore and/or Reservoir Problems 18
    3.3 Tests to Determine Well Casing Fluid Level 19
    3.4 Tests to Determine Well Fluid Composition 20
    3.5 Tests to Determine Well's Production Potential 22
    4 Analyzing Beam Pumping System Performance 24
    4.1 Calculating Well Operating Costs 25
    4.2 Determining that the Pumpjack is Balanced 25
    4.3 Analyzing Downhole Pump Operation 28
    5 Using Fluid Level Detectors and Dynamometers 28
    5.1 Fluid Level Detector 28
    5.2 Dynamometer 31
    5.3 Processing Diagnostic Test Data 35
    6 Adjust the Pumping Unit 37
    6.1 Change Pumping Speed 38
    6.2 Adjust Casing Gas Pressure 42
    6.3 Balance Beam Pumping Unit 43
    6.4 Change Stroke Length 47
    7 Operator's Role in Optimization 48
    8 Self-Check 50
    9 Self-Check Answer Key 54

    Price for this kit is $79.00 Cdn per single license or
    $359.00 Cdn per site license.


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